注意事項 / Information

在學學生 - 憑學校信箱驗證快速通關,無須上傳證明文件。
畢業校友 - 憑學位證書或足資證明之文件(校友證)
教職員工 - 憑足資證明文件或學校分機(由專人照會)
三校系統 - 憑足資證明文件(學生證、在學證明)

註冊 / Register

Step.1 在校生請填寫學號,其他身份請自訂帳號。

Step.2 設定密碼,長度≥8。

Step.3 設定常用信箱,找回密碼使用(選填)。




Article 210 A person who forges or alters a private document and causes injury to the public or another shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five years.


Article 358 A person who gains access into another person’s computer or related equipment by entering the password of another person's computer account, cracking the protective measures for using the computer or exploiting the loophole of the computer system without any reason, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than three years of imprisonment; in lieu thereof, or in addition thereto, a fine of not more than three hundred thousand dollars may be imposed.
